Saturday, May 30, 2009

Waddya need to have a society?

You might think what you need is charity. After all its "faith hope and charity and the greatest of these is charity" That is the road to fascism.

You might think what we need is more "niceness" If people were just nice to each other what a wonderful world it would be. What does it mean in reality to be nice? In reality it means "you do what I want and we are gonna get along fine. YOU DON'T DO WHAT I WANT THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY" It is a bastardization of the virtue of kindness. The virtue of kindness says "I will use MY POWER in such a way as to improve goodness" neither of these promotes society

The single think you need to have a society is justice. True justice based on objective truth no based on political pressure. What we need is justice based on rule of law. Any other "thing" is phoney and will lead to our downfall. You may temper justice with some degree of kindness, you may temper justice with some amount of charity, but when justice is ursurped your society is dead

So why this screed? This exact thing is what is in play with Obama's Supreme court choice. The judicial policy of "empathy" stands in direct conflict with a judicial philosophy of Justice. Certainly the jut call is often hard, and that is why the scope of the application can be limited in the decision, but the statement stands. If justice is not just, your society is a lie.

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