Saturday, May 30, 2009

Waddya need to have a society?

You might think what you need is charity. After all its "faith hope and charity and the greatest of these is charity" That is the road to fascism.

You might think what we need is more "niceness" If people were just nice to each other what a wonderful world it would be. What does it mean in reality to be nice? In reality it means "you do what I want and we are gonna get along fine. YOU DON'T DO WHAT I WANT THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY" It is a bastardization of the virtue of kindness. The virtue of kindness says "I will use MY POWER in such a way as to improve goodness" neither of these promotes society

The single think you need to have a society is justice. True justice based on objective truth no based on political pressure. What we need is justice based on rule of law. Any other "thing" is phoney and will lead to our downfall. You may temper justice with some degree of kindness, you may temper justice with some amount of charity, but when justice is ursurped your society is dead

So why this screed? This exact thing is what is in play with Obama's Supreme court choice. The judicial policy of "empathy" stands in direct conflict with a judicial philosophy of Justice. Certainly the jut call is often hard, and that is why the scope of the application can be limited in the decision, but the statement stands. If justice is not just, your society is a lie.

Friday, May 29, 2009

California is like the head of the zit

California is toast

The govenator proposes cutting all well fare. Nice move for such a liberal state. How about cutting all government wages in HALF and just continue to feed the poor? Or how about cutting government pensions by lets say 20%. OHHH NOOOO You say. This notion of retirement is a crock. It didn't exist before Franklin Friggin Rosevelt (may he burn in hell). This notion that you work for 20 years and retire one something like 85% of your salary and sit on your butt and do nothing is a crock It is choking the life out of us. We are paying people with money we don't have to sit on their asses because they worked for 20 years, because we made some kind of "social contract" with them. Contract nullified. The solution is simple pay the bastards in fiat. Pay em in IOU's. Pay em in "some day when we get solvent we will pay you what we owe you in the mean time accept this IOU and POUND SAND. Oh and buy the way this debt is transferable at not more than 30 cents on the dollar during your life and is canceled at your debt, after all people outght to get something, they did work for 20 years after all Further more we are paying the load for people who don't even work 20 years but retire out "disabled" after 20 minutes. If you want to know where the money goes, that's where it goes, that and into John Murtha's nephew's bank account. You work your ass off so Joe the cop or Rita the school teacher can sit one their collective asses, and then bitch because they ain't gettin enough. And the solution is to cut off the trickle of refuse that goes to the "poor". The idea that you get supported for the first 20 years of your life by people who are paying for your education etc, work 20 years in the government being paid by people who are really productive, and then live the next 50 years sitting on your ass sucking out dough we don't have to give you has GOT to stop. So pay the bastards in fiat Case closed If they get hungry they will work for their daily bread.

As California goes so goes the nation in this case. It can't make its salaries, it can't make its bond payments. If they cut welfare those people will simply move to other states and still the sitting asses will bitch and demand more.

It's not the corporations that are the source of greed. Its all those friggin school teacher and now Government Motor workers and cops, mayors, congressmen, ex presidents, etc etc that are sucking the life wind out of us. I was listening to a couple guys on the radio the other day batting the breeze wondering how we were going to pay for Obamanation. They were rightly mystified. After a spell one guys says to the other, "well I don't care as long as I get my social security". A recent government study found the unfunded liabilities of just social security and medicare to be 99 trillion dollars. There ain't no social security. Social security is getting off your dead ass and doing something productive so you will be able to eat. Social security is forces all those dead asses that worked for 20 year to work another 20 years, or just go drink the Koolaid and turn your self from a carbon sink into a carbon donor. The greenies will love you sweet ass for doing that. On the other hand maybe the greenies should drink the Koolaid and monetize their own carbon foot prints. Let Al Gore lead the way!!!! Hey Al you want purple of cherry?

Hey Dude Surf's UP

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Basically corporate greed has been replaced by government greed

Saturday, May 23, 2009

No shit sherlock

lemme guess: your solution is going to be to take mine